
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bloody Gross

Well, something showed up. The "bloody show," or otherwise known as the "mucus plug." It really did live up to its name. Pretty darn gross.

It showed up yesterday as a glutenous glob of thick brownish cervical mucus with some bits and pieces of dark brownish stuff. I immediately said to myself, "FINALLY. Something different is happening." And then I sat and waited for labor.

And waited. And waited. Nothing.

So I googled "mucus plug" and "labor" and the stupid results all said that it could take up to two weeks for anything to begin. GREAT NEWS! And by great news, I mean NOOOOOO!!!

More of what we affectionately refer to as "the goop" showed up this morning, so I'm still hoping something will happen. We shall see.

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