
Friday, August 14, 2009

Tuesday Would Be Good For Me...and You?

Hey Baby,

Tuesday would be good. If you could get yourself ready for Tuesday, I would be very happy with that. Again, that's TUESDAY. This Tuesday. As in 4 days away.

The reason? You know that nice doc that keeps pushing on you and checking your size and where all your parts are? She'll be on call Tuesday. We like the doctor and we want her to deliver you. Don't we? YES WE DO.

See, if you don't come on Tuesday, the doc won't deliver you. Some stranger resident doctor will be there to deliver you. Hopefully he won't be like a messed up House or Grey's Anatomy or ER type doctor, because really, do we need all that drama at your birth? I think not.

So again, I can't say it enough. TUESDAY. At a reasonable hour. I'd like to get some sleep first, and maybe have a good brunch. THEN you can come out. And don't take too long, either. 24 hour labors are not ok with me.

Thanks, baby! I know we'll get along famously once we get this labor/birth schedule under way.



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