
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Home Stretch

Oh baby. It's so close, yet so far. Every day has become a serious challenge. There's discomfort in every move I make.

The anxious feeling that started brewing in my gut a while back has become more of a gnawing fear. I'm starting to get questions about the level of my excitement about the baby and the only answer I have is, "Hub is way more excited. I'm more petrified and exhausted."

The pain of the Braxton Hicks contractions have been a nice little preview of what horrible pain is to come, and I haven't been enjoying them at all, although my acupuncturist has said they are a good sign that everything is getting ready. The more I have, she said, the faster the labor will be.

Today was another doctor's appointment. They're every two weeks, and no pelvic exam is given until you are officially overdue, which is fine by me. The idea of someone poking around down there right now is not appealing in the least.

I weighed in at 181...three pounds gained in two weeks. Not terrible, but a lot more than I was expecting, even though I know I've been eating my weight in food on a daily basis. My appetite is huge.

Baby is moving around and pushing on my uterus to the point of ridiculousness. If I lie on my back and look down at my stomach, it's completely lopsided to the left side. He definitely doesn't listen to me at all at this point, because when I say, "HEY. BACK IT UP, PAL!" he just ignores me, nuzzles into my side, and makes an even bigger cliff.

The doctor asked to today if I was going to have an epidural during labor and I said, "Yes, oh yes, please, yes." Hub said that we chose that option before we even chose the color of the nursery, to which she asked, "Oh, what color did you pick?" I answered quite seriously, "Epidural colored." We are not afraid of the critics. We just want it to be a little less than excruciating.

As for the baby dropping, we had two opinions...the acupuncturist says "Definitely dropped. Do you feel like you're carrying a bowling ball in your pelvis?"

The doctor pushed around today and tried to feel the baby's head. She couldn't. She said, "I think you may have dropped, but honestly I can't say for sure. But last visit, I could clearly feel his little head. Now, it's not so clear. I think that means he's nestled in there." Hmmm...not exactly the certainty I was looking for.

Come ON baby. We would like a Tuesday night delivery, please.

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