
About Me

Hey there, twelve people who read my blog!  This is me, the crazy mother of one trying to figure out how to raise a child without losing my mind.  And so far, I have to tell's been an adrenaline-pumped adventure of poop, vomit, pee, and more poop.  Never have I seen this many diapers in my life.  It's an avalanche of gross.

But the good news is I'm an "older mother" at fory-coughcoughshutup and STILL ALIVE.  Yes, it's possible.  And no, you can't die from ten month old baby-itis.  Read on for the details on SURVIVOR:  DANGER-BABY ISLAND.

Motherhood has been a constant surprise.  Don't expect the expected when you're expecting stuff to happen, because it never does happen when it's supposed to happen.  Confused?  Join my mommy group:  The old uterus and scrambled brains club. We have snacks.