
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It's been a week or so since my last appointment. Went for my first pelvic today, which was AWESOME, and by awesome I mean REALLY NOT GOOD.

I've never had a person stuff a hand that far into my nether region before. It was quite the experience, and not in a good way. But the reason she had to push so high up was that the cervix was not anywhere near the area it should be for labor. That means, I'm not effaced, not dilated, and NOT HAVING THIS BABY TODAY. ARRRGH.

Now, technically, I'm not due for a few days still. I should be patient and wait for the lil' dude. But seeing that it's getting more and more difficult to move up off the couch to reach sustenance, I was kind of hoping for a little progress at this point.

Another appointment is planned for next week, along with a sonogram to make sure there's enough amniotic fluid in there for the baby. At that point, I will officially be late by about a week, although the doc says I could be as late as 2 weeks without inducing. Blarg. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little just typing that.

In other news, I lost a pound. Whaaa...? I eat ice cream sundaes every day for a week and I lose a pound?!

Obviously, the universe has turned inside out.

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