
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Unconventional Means

I did something a little unconventional.  After my freakout about disappearing symptoms yesterday, I finally called one of the local fertility clinics and asked for beta testing.  Of course, they promptly said, "No."  Apparently, my doctor's signature holds more weight than I thought, and crosses medical borders into independent clinic land.  Damn it.

But after listening to my sob story about recurrent miscarriages and the like, the receptionist recommended something I'd never heard of before.  There is a site online called that will take your blood, test it, and post it on your account, all for bargain basement prices.  Sounds weird?  It is.

I went on the site and looked up HcG.  They  had the test available for the low online price of $56.  I whipped out my credit card and immediately signed up.  

After printing out the order, I was sent to the local MedLab for my blood draw in the Castro, where a very nice, gay, ex-Navy man drew my blood.  It was absolutely painless.  Remarkable, considering my aversion to needles.  I literally felt nothing.  I love that man.

So in a few days or less, I will see my results.  If my HcG levels are low, I'll anticipate a potential miscarriage.  If they're sky-high, I'll be at ease...for now.  

Of course, I'm praying for the latter.  You should be, too, btw.

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