
Monday, December 29, 2008

Countdown to Sonogram #1

I have been experiencing what can only be described as female "wet dreams,' without the wet or the dream.  It's happened twice so far while I was sleeping, and it's gotten me up out of bed from the sheer discomfort.  It hasn't been what I'd call enjoyable.  It's actually painful and quite gnarly.  It feels like my uterus is burning through my pelvis.  

So of course I looked up "orgasms early pregnancy" on the Internet and saw many different opinions about the dangers of your uterus contracting in the early months.  On the one side, orgasms are considered perfectly safe after implantation, and increases blood flow and endorphins, which can be good for the fetus.    

On the other side of it, a contracting uterus can trigger the lining to shed.  If your uterus continues to cramp for more than a few minutes, you may have a problem.  Fortunately for me, that's not an issue.

I'm considering the options:  Freak out like a wacko?  Or relax and take it easy until the 31st...the day of the 7 week sonogram?  

I'm leaning towards "freak out."  

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