
Friday, June 6, 2008

No Way.

On Wednesday, June 4th, I missed my Aunt Flow.  I'm a well-maintained menses clock, so I knew either I was stressed out beyond my normal ability to handle stress or...ridiculous thought...I was pregnant.

The former seemed more likely, considering my stressful job and the fact I had a ton of gossipy co-workers occupying my every waking moment.  I was exhausted, burnt out, and dealing with work negativity that was making me want to vomit.  It didn't cross my mind that being PREGNANT would make me want to vomit, and not workplace gossip.

I took the first test when I got home.  A "control" line showed up, strong blue and solid.  I waited a moment or two and squinted when I started seeing a very light second line appear.  It was barely there.  I ran upstairs with my pee-stick and showed my husband.  

"Is this a line?!"  I said.

Squinting, hubby said, "Yup.  Looks like it to me."  He barely displayed a smirk.

I paused, looked down again at the stick, and said, "Noooooo waaaaay."

Hubby and I looked at each other.  Then we looked at the stick.  Then I ran downstairs and took another test.  Positive.  I took a third.  Positive.

At this point, the retelling of this event becomes borderline stupid.  The husband ran to 
Walgreens at 1 in the  morning to get another three boxes of tests.  Ten tests later, I was barely convinced my over the hill body had actually managed to conceive a would-be human baby.

The next day at work, I waited for a free minute and ran to the local drug store to buy yet another pregnancy test.  I took the test in the bathroom at work and saw the result was still "YES."  I called my mother.

Ring ring..."Mom?  I think I'm pregnant!"

Mom made weird noises I've never heard out of her mouth before, and then a prolonged screaming that made the phone vibrate, followed by shorter squeaks, then finally tiny huffs of happy.  

I kinda sorta believed it at this point.  But I went to get a blood test right after work, just to be sure.  The results are officially in.  I'm pregnant!

And completely freaked out!  

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