
Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Day of Normalcy

Woke up.  Got out of bed.  Drag a comb across my head.

We went downtown to do some errands, watch a senselessly violent movie, eat an organic lunch at Samovar, and stare out into space in order to avoid watching the various babies and pregnant women floating around.  They were like neon signs with arrows pointing at them.  

But today the bleeding finally slowed to a minimum, and I felt no serious cramping for the first time in nearly a week.  Also, my body is feeling like itself again.  If I can muster a positive thought, I'd say it was a fairly decent day.  

Insensitive comments from well-meaning friends have done nothing to help my mood, however.  Some advice:  Do not tell a woman who has just miscarried that "it happens to a lot of women" or that "it happens all the time."  Also, don't make bad jokes about "being lucky you can start trying again.  Heh heh."  

The reason you should follow said advice?  

1.  Women who have miscarried already know all the numbers, facts, statistics, and percentages.  We Google.  A LOT.   And knowing the facts do not usually help us feel better about losing a pregnancy.  

2.  Bad jokes are never amusing.  Even when they're meant to be, and with the best of intentions.

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