
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Paranoia Will Destroy Ya

I didn't think it was possible to be more paranoid than usual, but here I am, watching The Omen on television, thinking to myself, "Eep!  If I watch this, will it rub off on the 4 week old embryo and make it a devil baby?!"  (clicking off TV)

Everything means something, although I thought I was wise enough to know better than to believe that bunch of hoo-hah.  But what if I stand next to the microwave while I wait for popcorn?  Two-headed baby?!

I've been remarkably calm for the last few days, although I attribute that to exhaustion and fatigue.  Falling asleep at 7 p.m. means less time during the 24 hour day available for freak-outs.  I can't seem to keep my eyes open past Oprah nowadays.  

Miscarriage has been in the back of my mind since conception, and I admit I look up the occasional factoid online.  Today's little nugget of knowledge:  
A woman who has one miscarriage has the same chances of a healthy pregnancy as a woman who has had no miscarriages.
Good nugget. 

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