
Friday, October 24, 2008

EPT and Heart Palpitations

I've been poked with acupuncture needles, choking down Chinese herbs, pre-natals, and warm tea, depriving myself of cold drinks and raw vegetables for months.  I waited 12 days past ovulation and then couldn't take it anymore.    I tested, believing it would give a negative result so I could prepare myself.  I didn't want to go to work, get my period, and then cry like a little punk.

The digital test came free with my box of ovulation tests, so with a grimace, I used it.  The results were not ambiguous at all...PREGNANT.

The husband jumped up and down and proceeded to perform a funky, disturbing little lap dance.  I had a hard time believing it again, so I took another non-digital pregnancy test by EPT.


WTF?!  Now I was both pissed and upset.  Husband calmly went to the store to pick up another brand of pregnancy test, First Response.


HUH.  No kidding?  Pregnant?  Seriously?  At this point, I was afraid to be happy.  And to some extent, I'm still feeling that trepidation.  Don't get me wrong...I want to be excited.  But at 14 days past ovulation, and with extremely light positive lines barely showing up, I'm hesitant to celebrate.  What if it goes away?  What if I miscarry early?  What if it's a blighted ovum?  What if?

So the "What If's" don't go away after you actually do conceive.  They stick around to torture you and ruin your good time while you're pregnant, too.  It's like someone peeing in the pool at the YMCA.

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