
Monday, July 14, 2008


I can tell I'm getting older because my tolerance level has dipped, along with my patience.  I'm getting sick of everything in quick order.  For instance, I sure am getting sick of peeing on my hand.  

Now, I don't just go into the bathroom, stick my hand in the toilet and pee.  I'm trying to track my ovulation.  This requires me peeing on either a) a little stick or b) into a Lilliputian sized cup. Unluckily for me, this is a sure-fire way to get urine on my hand.  No matter how careful I try to be, I always end up grossed out and disappointed.  

In addition, I can't seem to drop an egg to save my life.  It's not that I'm necessarily hoping to be impregnated so soon after miscarrying.  I'd just like to see that everything is in proper working order.  For some reason, I want to be comforted by a positive ovulation test.  It's the only thing that makes me hopeful right now, and I'm really counting on that little test line to be "equal to or darker than" the reference line soon.

Also, when it happens, I can stop peeing on my hand.  That's more key than the other crap.

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