
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Acronyms and Abbreviations...They're Not Just For Texting Anymore

Figuring out this list took me much longer than I care to admit.

Oh, and I still stand my my original advice...STAY OFF THE BABY THREADS. Most, if not all, are filled with misinformation. The problem is, there is a lot of good information on the sites themselves, just not on the talk boards specifically. Try to remember, that's all opinion and personal experiences that may pertain only to the person who posted it, and you may survive reading a few of them.

You also need to sift through the terrible baby/pregnancy sites to get to the good ones. Be cautious and be picky. There are some great websites out there, but they're few and far between. (Big obvious warning signs usually include weird picture of a baby scanned from some dude's iMac, and/or an obnoxious blinking add for a free "iPhod" if you hit the gopher with your computer's mouse, and/or an ad for The University of Phoenix Online "College.")

I really fight the urge to go on the pregnancy threads, because they make me feel confused, afraid, and generally turn me into a big giant maniac. Guaranteed, they'll make you freak out more than you already are, if you're TTC (Trying to Conceive). Ok, TTYL, I'm OTD and IOH...HAK and B4N <3.

Yes, I am a big geek.

14+3 - 14 weeks and 3 days pregnant
8dpo - 8 days post ovulation
1ww - One Week Wait
2ww - Two Week Wait (until you can take a pregnancy test)
AF - Aunt Flo (aka: You Friend, the Menstrual Cycle)
AFP - AlphaFetoProtein test
AI - Artificial Insemination
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BC - Birth Control
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BD - Baby Dance (intercourse to produce a child)
BF - Breast Feeding
BFP - Big Fat Positive (regarding a pregnancy test)
BFN - Big Fat Negative (regarding a pregnancy test)
BIL - Brother-In-Law
BM - Breast Milk (NOT Bowel Movement...gross)
BO - Blighted Ovum
BP - Blood Pressure or Birth Plan
CB - Cycle Buddy (Someone who shares the same cycle/ovulation dates)
CD - Cloth Diapers or Cycle Day
CD4 - Cycle Day 4 (ie: the 4th day since the first day of your period)
CF - Cervical Fluid
CIO - Cry It Out
CM - Cervical Mucous
CP - Chemical Pregnancy
CY - Cycle
DD - Due Date or Dear Daughter
DH - Dear Husband (Significant other or spouse)
DF - Dear Fiance
DBF - Dear BoyFriend
DI - Donor Insemination
DPO - Days Past Ovulation
DS - Dear Son
DTD - Doing The Dance (Intercourse to conceive)
EBF - Exclusively Breast Fed
EDD or EDC - Estimated Due Date or Estimated Date of Conception
EMM - Expressed Mother's Milk
EP - Exclusive Pumping (Pumper)
ETA - Edited To Add
EW - Egg White (Cervical fluid that indicates pre-ovulation)
FF - Formula Feeding
FFH - Fortnight From Hell (The two weeks between ovulation and your period)
FIL - Father-In-Law
"Fluff" - Cloth Diapering
FMU - First Morning Urine
FOB - Father Of Baby
hCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone)
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
IF - InFertility
IMO - In My Opinion
ITA - I Totally Agree
IUI - In Uterine Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
L&D - Labor and Delivery
LC - Lactation Consultant
LH - Luteinizing Hormone
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LO - Little One
LP - Luteal Phase
LPD - Luteal Phase Defect
MA - Missed Abortion (Ugh. Technical doctor speak)
MC - Miscarriage
MIL - Mother-In-Law
MM - Missed Miscarriage
MS - Morning Sickness
MW - MidWife
NAK - Nursing At Keyboard
NIP - Nursing In Public
NFP - Natural Family Planning
NPP - Not Preventing Pregnancy
O - Ovulation, or Orgasm, take it in context
OALD - OverActive LetDown
OB - Obstetrician
OP - Original Poster (To a thread or forum)
OPK - Ovulation Prediction Kit
OT - Off Topic
PG - Pregnant
PPD - Post Partum Depression
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
RPS - Real Pregnancy Signs
RRL - Red Raspberry Leaf (tea that supposedly "tones" the uterus)
S/A - Sperm/Semen Analysis
SAHM - Stay At Home Mom
SCDYD - Stop Causing Drama You Dinkalope
SIL - Sister-In-Law
"Sposies" - Disposable Diapers
TCOYF - Take Charge Of Your Fertility (book)
TMI - Too Much Information
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TTC2L - Trying to Conceive for Too Long
US - UltraSound
WAHM - Work At Home Mom
WTDBOAFTB - Whip The Darn Boob Out And Feed The Baby

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