
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weigh In at Almost 32 Weeks

Weight...172. I've gained 3 pounds since my last weigh in a month ago. I took a breath and asked the doctor if I was a big fat cow. She said absolutely not.

I've gained 28 pounds in 32 weeks. If I'm not a big fat cow, I'm definitely 8 months pregnant.

Doc said, "You're doing fine. You should be a little careful, but just a LITTLE careful about what you eat at this point. You're not terribly over the line, but by the time you give birth, you'll just have that much more weight to lose if you do gain much more than 30 pounds."

Hum. Not what I was thinking. I was thinking, "Is there Jenny Craig for pregnant women?" After all, men keep telling me I look "HUMONGOUS" and "HUGE." It's not something you want to hear when you're gaining weight by the bucketloads for no other reason other than there's this little alien inside you.

And there really isn't any other reason. Sure, I've had the occasional craving for cake. But I have been watching what I've been eating, thanks to the acupuncturist who has sworn off sugar and dairy products for me. I eat mainly vegetables, salads, and protein. Do I snarf down an In N Out burger every now and again? Sure. But I've been good...honest.

So I'm thinking all this weight...fluid, placenta and big ol' baby. Or I'm giving birth to a sasquach. Either way, this weight has to be here for a REASON, dammit.

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