
Saturday, August 23, 2008


I was reprimanded by my friend young, tall, thin, pretty, man-magnet friend.  I wanted to kill her, but then I remembered I loved her to pieces, so I didn't.  Also, I have no money for bail.

She read me the riot act about reading the infertility blogs.  "STOP IT.  You must stop reading all of them immediately.  They are making you crazy."

"That's what my husband said."  I retorted.  "And you can't side with him.  You are an Asian woman.  Therefore, you side with ME."

"No, I side with him.  Those blogs are making you insane."  She was defiant and in my face...and she was right.  I was already kind of insane before the baby game.  Now, I am officially beyond the pale cray-cray.  

So for now, precious infertility blogs, I bid you adieu.  Goodbye depressing...hel-lo optimistic and hopeful! 

Ugh.  I just threw up in my mouth a little.  

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