
Friday, August 1, 2008


I just ate dinner with ten pregnant women and two dozen children.  No kidding.  

Just so you know, I'm not one of those women trying to conceive who is so frustrated she can't get pregnant that she begins seeing babies and pregnant women everywhere, and it eventually drives her batsh$t crazy, and she loses her mind and starts ranting on her pregnancy blog.  THAT JUST AIN'T ME, PEOPLE!

But anyway, I actually did see a lot of pregnant women and babies at dinner.  And it was annoying, to say the least.  

When you're waiting for your LH to peak and peeing on a stick (and more accurately, you're hand) every day, you're just not in the mood for cute baby faces and goo goo talk.  And you get so pissy, you kind of want to spill stuff all over the pregnant women and tell them they're ugly.  You kind of want to tell everyone that, though, when  you're in a fertility roundy-round like me.  

So if you're even the slightest bit annoyed about your fertility issues right now, take my advice and avoid Pasta Pomodoro in Noe Valley on a Friday night.  At least until bedtime, around 8 or 9 p.m.  Otherwise, be prepared to sit with a gaggle of spitting up, screaming, crying, tantruming, crawling babies and women that look like they're about to burst.

I mean, Goddamn, even the hostess was 7 months along.  

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