
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Solid...Solid like a Rock

By kid is big.  Huge.  By any standards, enormous.  His stats:  29 inches long, 22 pounds, 5 months.  That's not just large, that's Andre the Giant large.

And he hasn't "plateaued" like most people have been telling me would happen.  He just KEEPS GROWING.  Apparently, that's what babies like to do...grow into big humans!

I'm starting to dread when other mommies at the park ask me, "So, how old is yours?"  When that question comes up, I immediately avert my eyes, mumble the response, and then wait for the same reaction I get every single time.  "HOLY MOTHER YOUR BABY IS GIGANTIC."

Yes, I know.  I have a big ol' baby.  More of him to love, I say.

It could be the super-human breast milk I'm feeding him like clockwork, although he doesn't seem to eat as much as he could.  He certainly doesn't empty the breast at all, and usually he just nibbles and has a jolly good time instead of getting down to business.

However, it could be the solids.  Yes, we started him on solids, on the recommendation of our pediatrician. His weight and size qualifies him for REAL FOOD apparently.  Big boy needs big eats.

Before you start quoting the ills of feeding your baby solids before six months of age, let me assure you, the pediatrician had no problem at all telling us to try out solids.  This baby is a big boy.  We go by weight and size more than actual age nowadays.

His appetite for solids started out well.  He loved pretty much everything we put near, in, or around his mouth.  Per doc's orders, we started him on rice ceral, then moved on to veggies.  Fruit was last, for the obvious reasons.  If someone gave you a peach and then said, "Here, eat this brussels sprout" would you be pleased?

Carrots were a hit.  All squash and root vegetables went over well.  He even liked turnips, which I have trouble choking down myself.

I have to give credit where credit is due, though.  The Beaba Babycook is AMAZING.  I use it regularly and the difference between store bought and home cooked is obvious.  The color, taste, and general quality is so much more vibrant and baby friendly.  The lil' dude ate it all and loved it.

So now the kid is breast feeding and eating 2 squares a day.  Maybe this is contributing to his continued healthy growth.  Either that or he will be writing a tell-all book about his steroid use.

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