
Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Hope and the Dread

There is that stinkin' feeling of hope every time I wake up in the morning and see clean undies.  My period is managing not to come on cue this month, which is either a cruel joke by the menstruation gods or...dare I say it?  No, I daren't!

The reason I "daren't" is the sinking feeling of dread that stifles the hope and kills any speck of happiness and joy in my otherwise mundane life right now.  I anticipate the period coming like a big ol' red flood of reality.  It's on the way, and I'm just hoping it waits a few more days so my luteal phase will be normal.

Ovulating late this cycle really fucked with my head.  I thought I was due on the 28th day of my cycle, as usual, but having ovulated on the 19th day, it's apparently pushing my Aunt Flow further away.  If it doesn't come by Tuesday, I'll be officially stoked.

I just wish the symptoms of pregnancy and periods were vastly and uniquely different.  As it is, they're nearly identical.  Sore breasts, tender nipples, backache, bloating, constipation, headache, cramps, and even bleeding, for cripes sake.  

Why can't there be a really obvious, surefire pregnancy sign, like you grow a third eye in the back of your head?  Now THAT would be cool.


elinem said...

Have you taken a home pregnancy test?

Liz said...

I agree, the symptoms should be entirely different. Sore breasts, you can go with pregnancy. Bloating, we'll give you to menstruation. Irratability? OK, that one you can share.
Fingers and toes crossed for you! :)