
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eggs in an Old, Crappy Basket

After exhausting ourselves for over a week, the husband and I decided to take a few days off from the sex-capades.  

During our hiatus, I did some more irresponsible Googling and typed in the words "late ovulation" in the search bar.  What came up was not fun reading.

It seems that late ovulation, (21 or later into your cycle, to be exact,) can cause poor egg quality.  It makes implantation difficult, and if you do get lucky, you may miscarry from the "bad egg."

Considering I supposedly ovulated on the 20th day of my cycle, this was enough to make me spiral into the depths of worry and hyper-sensitivity.  My tantruming didn't help, unfortunately.  Apparently, screaming "I don't want the "bad egg!!"  I want the "good egg!!"  doesn't help matters at all.

Now there is a loophole.  If your luteal phase is longer than 10 days, you may be ok.  So if my period comes late, and I happen to get pregnant this month, all's well.

Ugh.  10 days or longer luteal phase...14 cycle ovulation...I thought things in the baby game would be simpler.  

If we were living in the olden times, the rabbit dies, and there you go. 

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