
Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Cycle Endeth

Ridiculously curious, tested at 6 dpo: Not pregnant.

Closer to reasonable, tested at 10 dpo: Not pregnant.

Brownish-pink tinged CM, suspect implantation, tested at 13 dpo: Not pregnant.

Now I'm depressed AND broke.  Those pregnancy tests aren't cheap.

I've been feeling the pangs of my period threatening ever since I woke up this morning.  It's a bad feeling, knowing you've once again failed to conceive, and I can't imagine going through this again next month, and possibly the next, and the next...

Against all hope, I still have small pangs of the dreaded "what ifs?"  What if it's too early to test?  What if I implanted late?  What if I'm delusional and it's all just for naught?  

Regardless, I'm pathetically digging in my couch cushions for spare change so I can buy another EPT.  

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