
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Big Tease

My LH surge arrived at at last...19 days into my cycle.  That stupid smiley face finally showed, taunting me.  But I was so happy to finally see it, I forgave Clear Blue Easy for giving me freak-out #1,209 since this whole she-bang began.

For those of you NOT in fertility Hell, 19 days into my cycle means it took forever and I wastefully urinated on many a pee stick (and quite possibly, my hand.)  I am certainly relieved, that's for sure.  I thought I hadn't ovulated at all, and had experienced the dreaded anovulation.  It really should be the title of a bad movie.  ANOVULATION: THE EGG THAT NEVER CAME.  

The husband and I have been "doing the deed" since day 10 of my cycle for the sake of procreating, and he's passed out in the bedroom as I type this.  I tried waking him up to no avail.  I think he may be dead...but happy.  

While he's dead and happy, however, I'm very much alive and walking like a bow-legged cowboy.  


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