
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 36, Month 9

Here's what's going on...occasionally, baby puts his head on my bladder and uses it as a pillow. This gives me a sharp and distinctive need to pee every few minutes. Not pleasant when more than 10 feet away from a bathroom, and it makes going outside a little daunting.

The pelvic pain is anywhere between mild discomfort to severe head-pounding pain.

Bellybutton has NOT popped, although it threatens to every time I eat a big meal.

Stretch marks still suck.

The carpal tunnel has gone from worse to better to much, much worse. Basically, I'm living with tingling, aching fingers 24/7, and not in a good way. It makes driving a stick shift impossible at this point, so I am chauffeured around by hub when he has time, which is never. So what I'm saying is I'M TRAPPED IN MY HOUSE WATCHING THE TLC NETWORK. HELP...ME...

I'm tired, but not exhausted, basically because I can't sleep without waking every two minutes. Good practice, I'm told, for getting up in the middle of the night for feedings. I'm napping all throughout the day, but lightly. These are not naps of REM. Just light snoozes to keep me going.

I've also been trying to sleep on my left side, as most pregnancy guides recommend, but it's hard. I dislike the position, and always end up on my back (which is considered bad for the baby.) "Left side only" is the rule. Apparently, it is better for blood flow to the placenta. The body pillow I purchased is pretty awesome, even if it doesn't keep my oversized belly from tipping over in the middle of the night. It's not called "The Super Duper Miracle Pillow" after all. What can one expect? I weigh a metric ton.

I'm eating less, but we shall see what that means when I break the scale at next week's appointment.

I'm grumpy. Really grumpy. Being stuck in the house watching birthing stories on TV doesn't help. Trying to nest while you're waddling at a snail's pace around the house makes things frustrating. Trying to decipher every pain, nudge, tingle, ache and cramp is heart-stopping.

But, the good news...he's moving like a little speedster all over my uterus, so he has room in there. It's a constant movement that happens every time I sit still for two minutes. I don't understand why women (and dumb boys) told me I'd hate the sensation...because I LOVE it. It's amazing to feel this little boy pushing the walls of my belly. I think I will miss it when he's born, actually. There's no other feeling in the world like this. But we'll see how I feel at 40 weeks...maybe I'll be sending an eviction notice instead of rejoicing about the miracle of life then.

More good news...99% of all babies born at this point survive with no extra help. In fact, doc said that if he came now, she wouldn't stop him. After hearing her say that, my heart jumped into my throat and everything became hazy. I had the sudden realization that I could have a baby any day now and it would be HERE IN REAL LIFE.

Yikes. I think I just swallowed my gum.

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