
Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Never-ending Cycle

I am now on CD 31.  Apparently, and according to Fertility Friend, I ovulated on CD 27...NOT CD 17, as I first thought.  

I wanted to deny it, because if Fertility Friend is correct, the husband and I sexed it up on all the wrong days.  Alas, my temperature spiked an entire degree overnight on the 25th, which proves I am currently experiencing the longest fucking cycle ever in the history of mankind.  
The only thing I am hoping for is a normal luteal phase of 12-14 days.  If this wish comes true, however, my period will begin on CD 41 (or not, if pregnant.)

I want a Guinness Book reference for this one.  

1 comment:

jill said...

i think i need an acronym key, or a better memory, or both!