
Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine

Just because you call a day a "holiday" doesn't make it so.  However, since Valentine's Day (the most made up holidays of them all) requires chocolate to make it complete, I accept this fake day in honor of my insatiable candy craving.  This chocolate thing may kill me.  I can't stop eating it.

Since the birth of my little dude, I've craved chocolate since the first week of sleeplessness.  It's been scratching at my gut for months now, and I can't seem to get a grip on it.  For months, I've been plowing through stashes of chocolate I've strategically placed all over the house.  And for V-Day, the only thing I asked for was a heart-shaped box of See's candies.  The same went for Valentine's Day.  Hey, I proudly eat chocolate to honor our you?

And now I'm thinking, the outcome of all this can't be good, right?  I mean, I will eventually die of heart failure or some such hideousness if I keep this up.  

But lo and behold...I stepped on the scale the other day and saw 133.  At the height of my pregnancy weight I was 185.  Before I was pregnant I was 145.  How this was accomplished is a mystery, since I've been eating like a Hoover vacuum cleaner.  

Granted, I've also been breast feeding for nearly six months, which has been said to aid weight loss by burning an additional 200-800 calories a day.  

Now, at 5'2, I'm still over by my doctor's standards.  My BMI is 24, which is on the border between healthy and overweight.

But in other news...chocolate and breast feeding may be the best diet I've ever been on...EVER.

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