
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Teething Pains...For Everyone

The teething has begun...I think.  Actually, it's hard to tell what is teething and what is just baby being baby.  He hits the 6 month mark in a short while, which is supposed to also usher in another growth spurt.  This could also be causing the sleepless nights.

Once the kid started eating solids at four months (suggested by our pediatrician) we did notice a significant change in his sleep at night.  He would pass out and sleep like a rock for solid stretches at a time.  This new feeding regimen added to the sleep training my husband implemented around four months meant 7-9 hours of sweet, sweet sleep.  It was pure heaven.  Sleep is goooood.

However, around five months he started fussing again.  It was cruel, like someone ripped a carpet from underneath our feet.  Again, we were exhausted and sleep deprived.  He was waking every hour to 90 minutes to soothe.  We assumed it was teething, since we could see the little ridges outlining those front chompers on his gums.

To the local Walgreen's we went!  We stocked up on teething rings, organic teething gel and tablets, drops, baby Motrin, baby Tylenol...basically, lack of sleep made us desperate.  Camilla drops seemed harmless enough, so we bought that, too.

But the six month growth spurt looms overhead like the Hindenburg, ready to crash into without warning. We're not sure what we will do if the two events collide.

Teething + growth spurt = nose dive off the nearest bridge.

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