
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Seven Months

It's not possible.  The time has flown faster than I imagined it could.  He's definitely the cutest boy in the world at this point, and growing cuter exponentially by the minute.  Little gurgles have graduated into full-on ramblings of amamamamamamaa.  His wild hair is somewhat tamed now, especially after I butchered it last week with a pair of dull scissors.

The rolling over is causing havoc, especially during diaper changes and in the middle of the night when he ends up face-down on the mattress and wakes himself because he can't move his arm.

A tooth popped up.  In fact, two.  It came without much fanfare, but I took at least 15 minutes trying to get a good close-up picture of them.  He seems amused by me at this point, if nothing else.  It's ridiculously easy to make him laugh out loud.  Occasionally, a guffaw.

I didn't believe this day would come, simply because at one month I though I might die from exhaustion or post-partum depression.  Now that we're at this point, everything seems so much brighter.  Even when everything else in the world collapses on me on any given day, this seven month old makes me feel lighter.

So thank you, baby, for the seven months.  It's been quite a trip...and quite a workout.  You're humongous!

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