
Friday, July 27, 2012

It was the worst of times...THE END.

Oh, what the FLARG.  Three-year-old tantruming has become a sniper attack-type of war between the adults and the children in my home.  Every day goes a little something like this:  He's fine.  No, wait, he's not.  Yes, he's ok now.  No, no...he's absoluely oh my GOD HE'S EATING HIS BABY BROTHER.

Do children get PMS?  Toddler PMS?  Is that a thing that I haven't Googled yet?  *Googling as I type...*

On a less hysterical, valium-craving note, I do know a little something about child development, having had many, many horrible years of college attaining a degree in early childhood education and whatnot.  So after witnessing first hand the crap-tastic freak outs, screaming matches, swatting, biting moments of this not-quite-three kid, I have come to this his age are smarter than all of us combined, minus the communication skills.

I'm not bragging about JUST my kid, mind you, although I do think he's spot on academically for his age.  But have you ever been on an internt forum and seen someone post something so incredibly STUPID, something absolutely INNANE, a comment so friggin' ASININE, you just had to comment with an eloquent, well-thought, cleverly structured comment that made that person stop what he was doing and think to himself, "Wow, I'm such a moron, and I should stop everything I'm doing in my life and be someone better!"

But instead, this is what you type:  "ROTFLMAO! LAME! WTF!"

That's kind of what I imagine my kid is experiencing.  I'm the doofus on the online forum and he's the smartest person on the internet, but he can't pronounce the word BLUE yet.

In closing, here is what I propose:  European spa vacation, all-you-can-eat everything, Ryan Gosling.

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