
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nine Month Old Baby with the Gigantic Head

We just had our well-baby visit with our pediatrician, and I can safely say our second is well on his way to being a big, fat baby.  21 pounds, 28 inches long, and off-the-charts head size.  And I do mean off-the-charts.  No, really.  When I looked at the chart, his head was not on it.

Compared to our elder boy, who was 21 pounds, 29 inches at FIVE months, this one is a skinny Minnie.  I can't imagine why, since it seems like I'm feeding him around the clock breastmilk.  I'd better bulk this baby up soon or people will start talking.  After all, I am well known around the neighborhood for having humongous children.

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