
Sunday, August 28, 2011


How is it possible?  Two years have flown by already?  My little man is two.  I am at once amazed and disturbed.  I thought we had a deal that he would stay cute and chubby forever.  This kind of blows.

But seriously, the party was all kinds of awesome.  I rocked the goodie bags, and believe me, it wasn't an easy feat.  Whoever created the concept of this stress-inducing addition to children's birthday parties should be smacked.  It was the most difficult part of the planning process for me, and I am not one to enjoy complications when planning anything.

The party was low-key and at our favorite playground, which made for an ideal situation for the adults: Let the kids go wild and play with one another while we mack on sandwiches and chocolate milk.  We bought mini cupcakes to downplay the sugar.  Presents were welcome but not required.  Everything was simple.  Easy.  No-frills.  Loved it.

I made 16 goodie bags, and they were a big hit with the parents and kiddies.  I bought cutesy animal boxes off Amazon for cheap and filled them up with a CD of the kid's favorite music, a beanie baby, a chocolate horse/cow/pig, a party blower, a mini playdoh and a small bottle of robot bubbles.  Tell me you wouldn't be stoked if you was two.  Robot bubbles?!  Fuggedaboudit.

And by the way?  I made extra goodie bags, and thankfully so.  Kids and their parents showed up without an RSVP, which was fine.  More the merrier, I say.  But if I hadn't had those extras, whoa.  There might have been two-year old rioting.

Anyway, the kiddo loved it, until the end of the party when he was on the playground without his friends.  It was a little heartbreaking, watching him play with the straw from his milk box, wandering aimlessly and poking things.  It made me wish we had made an early exit to avoid that wistful scene.  Seeing him that way made my heart ache.  Ah, motherhood.

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