
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Two Teething Tots

So big brother is teething.  His back molars are finally coming in, as all the books and Internet sites predicted they would around age two.  And now little brother has decided to cut a few teeth, too, at almost 4 months.  He's been drooling pretty crazily for about two months, however, so we believe his gums were bothering him far before now.  He regularly drenches at least 5 or 10 bibs a day, depending on how much he throws up after eating.  Sounds glamorous?  Totally is.

Big brother teethes at night, but chews on things during the day.  When he chews, we know he's feeling something unpleasant in his mouth, and he's trying to relieve that discomfort.  He gets tons of sympathy, as long as he doesn't turn into the Terrible Two Tot.  That gets very little sympathy from either of us.

However, at night, he's been waking up crying, usually looking for his pacifier.  (Yes, we still give him a pacifier at night.  He uses it to sleep, and we are unapologetic about it.  Without the pacifier, life would suck and suck hard.)

It's the crying at night that kills me. We have considered ourselves lucky with the baby, because his five hour stretches at night usually give us enough time to recharge our batteries.  But big brother waking at any given moment during his sleep has been killing us.  It's interrupting important REM sleep, and this old body is not having it.  In fact, it regularly tells me how displeased it is with me by giving me various bouts of illness, gastrointestinal issues, and a variety of unpleasant symptoms that are brought on by exhaustion.  That and my hair falling out in clumps due to the post-pregnancy "fall" is making me one hot MILF.

Oh, Lord, please give me some sleep.  Or hair.

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