
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Womb Soccer

What the Hell is going on in my belly?!  It's constant movement, all the live long day.  This baby is doing some kind of Jujitsu mixed in with a Krav Maga move that makes my stomach look like a game AT&T park during a rousing bout of "The Wave."

I thought my panicked Googling days were over, but in this case I found myself checking the internet for things like, "overactive fetus" and "pre-natal ADHD."  This can't be right.  Can a fetus move this much in that cramped a space?  I'm just waiting to hear a "craaaa-aack" and a broken rib to protrude from my chest. This baby is trying to break out of the pokey a few months early.

And in other news:  No more midnight shows of Aliens for me.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

From Speed Bump to Big Belly

The 23 week visit went relatively well...until doc told me I had had a "growth spurt" in the last month. Apparently I gained 5 pounds. My last visit I weighed in at a respectable 149. This visit, I tipped the scales at 155.

Coincidentally, this was also the week my cute bump morphed into an officially big belly. I now forage for clean maternity clothes anywhere I can find it in the house. The only criteria for wearing it is that it has to fit. It's a miracle I'm not a nudist at this point in my pregnancy.