
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 13 NT Scan Fabulousness

We were at our NT scan and had a fabulous time.  Our technician was a combination of comedian/doctor/awesome person waving a doppler wand around.  Best icky Kaiser visit ever.

The baby was moving, but not cooperating, and we had to administer a few belly shakes and toe-touches to get it going.  It finally rolled over and we saw five lovely fingers opening and closing a tiny translucent fist.  We saw the jaw move and the baby yawn and take in amniotic fluid.  We saw the sections of the brain, which was amazing.  We saw a little nasal bone and a handsome profile.  And we also saw BOY PARTS.  

Yes, it's a boy.  I knew it the minute I saw that pee stick turn positive.  It had to be a boy.  That would explain the horrible gas and lumberjack eating binges.

I took one look at the tiny heart-shaped penis and said to my husband, "Look, honey!  That's all you!'  It was a moment to be remembered.

And then, we were given the results.  It was immediate, and a relief that we wouldn't have to wait days and sweat buckets.  The measurement for the NT scan was 1.33, which was well below worry levels.

The geneticist came in and discussed the  numbers and odds, which are as follows:

A woman my age (39) has 1:107 odds of having a baby with Down Syndrome.  After the first trimester screening, my odds are 1:907, or the odds of a 26 year old.

A woman my age has 1:150 odds of having a baby with Trisomy 18/13.  After the screening, my odds are 1:3961, or the odds of a 20 year old.

We've decided not to do the amnio, for which the odds of miscarrying are 1:300.  

I can't wait to buy things and spend crap loads of money on baby items I can't afford.  And now, on to enjoying this pregnancy at last...or so you would think.  After finding out yesterday that my stupid school district does NOT offer paid maternity leave and that we will be living off our savings until it is sucked bone dry, I am in no short supply of FREAK OUT.

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