
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Poop of Potty Training

Watching the Presidential debates on television reminds me of how much I hate changing poopy diapers.

Yes, that means we are still trying to potty train our three year old, and it's getting rough.  He's pretty much disagreeing with everything we ask him to do regarding the potty.  It's not a matter of who is calling the shots anymore.  We know he's in charge, and at this point we just try not to show fear in his presence.

We also know his teachers at school, who also change his diapers, are cursing our names under their breath.  That is, when they CAN breathe in all that stench.  It's pretty rank.  We sheepishly apologize whenever we see them, and then shamelessly bribe them with chocolate and baked goods.

At this point I'm really hard pressed to find a potty training method we haven't tried.  I've literally tried every piece of advice I've been given by moms and teachers alike.

1)  Incentives?  We tried candies, books, toys.  Nothing.

2)  Coercing worked for a minute, and then he reverted back to his old ways.

3)  Not mentioning the word potty at all?  Did not work and still isn't working.  Naked time?  He peed, and worse, all over the bathroom floor without a blink.

4)  Begging?  Quite possibly the most humiliating of all the methods we've attempted.  He smirked while I did it, too.

We can't figure out what we are doing wrong, nor can we figure out which steps to take next.  What we DO know is that it's really, really frustrating to have your kid look you straight in the eye and says defiantly, "No, I didn't poop."  ...and then the smell punches you in the face like a sack of wet, rotten fish heads.