
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Eight Months

Wow.  I need to hire someone to help me with eight months.  No one told me he'd turn into the road runner when he got this age.

He isn't even crawling yet.  I'm planning on leaving the country for a while when that happens.  If I'm this whipped when he's just on his stomach, cooing at me, what will become of me when he's fully mobile?!

He's grabbing something poisonous as I type this, I'm sure.  I must run, and take some Tylenol...and maybe some valium.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I've learned one thing in the last month or so.  Do NOT cut the little tags off the stuffed animals, blankets, etc.  Why?  Because these are the most fascinating things on the planet right now...according to the baby, that is.

He toys with the tag, not the toy.  That's the general rule at the moment.  If I give him the most amazing toy ever invented by man, he will go straight for the little white tag sewn into the corner of it and stare, mesmerized.  He'll touch it between his thumb and forefinger for a good ten minutes before losing interest.  And ten minutes in baby time is like ten hours to a regular adult.  It's a good long time to be transfixed.

He also loves to make noises with his lips.  Current favorite?  Raspberries.  Timing?  Any time he has food in his mouth.  

He's not a fan of anyone touching his nose or wiping any general area of his face.   However, he loves to have his neck cleaned.  In fact, he laughs when we do it.  Weird baby.

His nursing has gone from 30 minutes on each boob to a lightening quick four minutes on just one.  He's still a poor latcher, but has learned to eat quickly.

He naps in the morning for 2-3 hours, easily.  He nearly claws my face off in the afternoon when I try to put him down for a second one, which usually lasts about one.  

This baby is changing at such a fast pace!  I feel like if I don't write all of it down, I will forget it in an instant.  Things have been happening at such a quick pace, it's difficult to remember the little things that amazed me in the moment.  I'm afraid I will lose appreciation for him in some way if I don't hang on to the tiny, miniscule things that slip away so quickly.  We discover new things about the baby in an instant...and then it's gone.